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People are Raving About Audra's Training


The training and support provided by HSR are the best available in the industry. Starting your own company is hard work but Audra's program walks you through everything you need to know to get started as a home stager. I received my first call from a potential client within hours of my ads going live.

Christina Phillips Orchid & Ivy Interiors

With over 30 years experience in the decorating/design field, I didn’t think I would get that much from the training. A friend convinced me to take the course just to see if we were missing something. I was certainly surprised at all the information available, I learned plenty! What is fantastic is all the resources and forms available to use. It was very helpful to for us to start offering staging in our business. Thanks, Audra!

Lynn Ricci Staged to Sell

The training was awesome! I had already completed most of the things in Week 1 when I started my business 3 years ago. Week 2 was where I needed Audra the most...and she delivered! There is so much information, so many tools, and instruction. I only wish I had done the training before. Now, it's all about implementation. Thank you Audra and thanks to your team! You rock!

Trina Miller First Impression Home Staging

I started my business as a Professional Organizer in 2018. I knew that I wanted to grow my business, but I was lacking in the resources of branding and marketing myself. Taking this training, I'm not going to lie, it has been very overwhelming for me. It felt like I was being stretched like a rubber band. On top of that I am not tech savvy. Double whammy!! Above all I am grateful and blessed. I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank Audra for the work that she has done in helping me overcome my fears and doubts. Because of this training not only have I gained confidence in myself, I also feel I gained a friend in Audra.

Tania M. Woods Livable Spaces

Audra's training program far surpassed my expectations. She is very knowledgeable and is eager to share her expertise in her course, in her live webinars, and in her generous free videos she makes available online. I would not have had the confidence if it were not for Audra's training. I now have all the tools required and an enormous amount of knowledge and guidance to steer me in the right direction.

Susan Wentzell Home Styling by Sue

I have to say this training is one of the best I've seen associated to the Home Staging industry. It is extremely thorough and provides step by step processes to set one up for success. The additional support on marketing is unmatched. Having the visuals ready to go for us and research available and cited saves so much time. The premium website package is FANTASTIC and definitely worth every penny!

Brigitte Hughes Hughes Home Staging

Audra Slinkey and the HSR training has been outstanding! I searched many staging training companies before deciding on this one and I know without a doubt, I found the best! I have been a stager for 8 years, but never had the confidence to take my business to the next level until going through this training. EVERY element of training you need, and more, are found in Audra's training! She is thorough, organized, concise and genuine! She truly wants you to succeed and makes sure you have all the tools to do so. She is also very involved and makes you feel like a friend and not just another student! I would highly recommend her training to anyone thinking about joining the staging industry!

Tamra Toney Pfeifer

I loved this training program. I have been researching and trying to start my own business for some time on my own. I decided to take this training to give me direction on how I wanted to run my own business. There is so much information that would of taken me years to figure out. I like the fact that this training program gives you support from others in this field so you don't feel like you are on your own. I do not regret taking this training and more confident with my services I offer to build a successful business.

Sharonn A Tietsort Sharonn's Stagingand Design

Audra and Home Staging Resource have been absolutely AMAZING! This course has shown me how to apply my professional experience in my previous marketing position, along with my passion for design, to create a career that is a dream come true. I learned so much, and it was great being able to complete the course at my own pace. I couldn't be more excited to launch my business, and having this training has helped build my confidence in my design abilities, and taught me how to create a successful business. I am so thankful for Audra sharing her expertise!

Ali Gregory

I enjoyed everything about the Home Staging Resource course. Audra over delivered and exceeded all my expectations. For a home program the sessions were quite robust and covered an array of topics for establishing your Home Staging business. The handbook and videos were well organized, providing you with concise tips and tricks of the trade so you can easily navigate through the staging industry. No reason to recreate the wheel, HSR provides you with all the forms, resources and knowledge so you can spend the time building your business and branding yourself.


A comprehensive guide not only to Home Staging, but how to run your business. This training provides ALL the tools and resources you would need to get started and do it right the first time.

Jamie Bell Harbor Home Staging

I have been overwhelmed with the wealth of information I have received through the Expert E-Designer training program. I am so excited to use what I have learned and to avail of the templates and resources shared throughout the course. I am extremely confident that all of the above will elevate my Interior Decorating and Color Consultation services, as well as the Occupied Staging services I will be offering in the near future. My clients will benefit tremendously from all this knowledge. I am also in the midst of the Certified Color Expert training program which is amazing! Thank you, Audra, for opening my eyes to the potential I always knew existed but did not quite know how to achieve!

Lisa Rozario L M Interiors

Thank you Audra, this course was beyond my expectations. It was slow going for me at first because of how much information was provided, once I got use to the style and organization of the website, I'm so appreciative of all the forms and the videos you shared. All of the THE MARKETING SECTION, cannot say enough about this aspect of your training. These are all questions I had when I started the program, "how am I going to market?" You answered every question before I could even ask it!


The training that I have received through Home Staging Resource and Audra has far exceeded any of my expectations that I had when I originally set out to own my own business in home staging and redesign. This course has provided me with a countless number of tools and in-depth training to succeed in my business. I will continue to use this course as resource as I build my own dream.

Christina Lee O'Dell Within These Walls, LLC

Thank you Audra for truly covering every aspect of starting a new business. I went into this training nervous, confused, and with a very blurred idea of what home staging is. Now, just by following the detailed steps of the training, I have a full company that I am CONFIDENT about and I'm so excited and ready to make homes beautiful! I was happy to discover that not only does Audra cover home staging, but she also provides more business ideas for you to get involved with and make extra money! This industry is full of opportunity once you jump on in! I feel like I chiseled off the first 2 years of trial and error for a startup business and I no longer see any room for failure. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Trust the process people, this gal knows what shes doing!

Ann Tristani Ann Tristani Design

The HSR training program has truly exceeded my expectations. I researched various programs for several months before deciding on HSR. Attending Audra's Happy Hours solidified my choice, as I really enjoyed her teaching style and the information she provided was like GOLD! All I could think was, "If the Free Happy Hours are this informative, I can only imagine the wealth of information that lies within the program!"

This course has challenged everything I thought I knew about design and staging, and pushed me way out of my comfort zone. I started the program feeling a bit overwhelmed and unsure if I would ever retain everything I was learning. Sure enough, by the end of each day, I felt more confident in my skills and my ability to deliver quality service to my clients.

I am now fully-equipped to take my business to the next level. Many thanks to Audra and the entire HSR team!

Nakeisha Valorie Glover

I have to admit, at first I was skeptical to do an online training versus a live training...boy was I wrong for ever doubting that. The amount of material that I obtained through Audra's online training was remarkable!! The added bonus is that I have all the information and training tools readily available at my disposal. The team was very helpful when I had questions. I highly recommend getting a website, best decision besides making the decision to go with Audra for my training!

Kristen Seibold Aspire Home Design

I have never been provided with so much of a helping hand, period.

This training has superseded my expectations ten,... no one-hundred fold. This program has far more information than I can obtain mentally (before "getting in there and doing it myself") and that is what makes it so amazing.

I love that Audra provides a place I can go online (her training website) to research and review information….and she doesn’t stop there! Stagers Connect is a private Facebook group for her trainees to get together and share ideas, information and so much more. In addition to this, she mails you a ~2” thick spiral bound training book for your training and reference. She provides templates for advertising, marketing, trainings and even websites. Her tips, tricks and ideas are boundless and her devotion to her trainees and this field are inspirational. I couldn’t have created this business without her. I am graciously thankful.

Colleen Michelle Bowne Home Designs By Colleen Michelle

I loved the training! I loved the level of detail and information Audra shared with us. I love that it feels we are partners in this together. Great experience!

Elizabeth Medina Ross CAME Designs

Audra's program is fully extensive, with a plethora of real-life examples to learn from. She doesn't hold back on any industry secrets and really shows examples of great staging and explains road blocks, and pitfalls to avoid. She really covers everything and makes it fun and easy to follow.

Jenine Porvin Modern Desert Interiors

This intense training has been the best month of my career! I finally feel like I'm able to pull together years of my knowledge of selling vintage furniture and decorating for family and friends into a career. The basis of Audra's course being the business aspect is something that is not offered in any other course that I have researched and is very much appreciated. I look forward to expanding my brand and am so excited for this new chapter!

Jennifer Burt Mississippi Maximalism

HSR training has been integral to my growth as a business. Not only is the information relevant and important but it is delivered in a way that is easy and fun to digest. The templates are a GAME CHANGER. Audra always goes above and beyond to deliver.

Emily Murray

I started this in-depth training during COVID 19 season. I was already "sheltering in place" but we were actually not at our home. I had been staying at our lake house which was mostly vacant with a few staged pieces while on the market to sell. Imagine that. I had a ton of time to dedicate to this and enjoyed every moment. Audra has a clear and decisive way of teaching with the tone she is simply sitting across the table talking with you over coffee. The training in so comprehensive and I honestly do not feel I am missing a thing! If you are like me when I started, you don't know what you don't know! Audra takes care of that. I am so grateful to be able to utilize the wealth of information on the members site as I will need it to refresh continually while starting this business. I learned to stage with the few pieces I had here at our lake house and while I could not get that room shot or "money shot" I know I will have it very quickly! Audra, your kindness and generosity is a blessing. Thank you.


Wow, this training was everything I could have needed and more! I knew without a doubt that this was the career for me but I had no idea how to make it happen. I found the HSR website and I signed up for the free live class happening the following night. The class really showed me how much I needed to take this course. I filled pages on pages in my notebook just from the 1 hour class. I knew the training would be so helpful and informative and I was right! I now feel so confident to start my own business! I can't thank the HSR team enough!


I have been so impressed with the amount of information and resources provided in this training. am armed with business forms, marketing materials and overall industry knowledge that is invaluable. Launching a new business at first seemed so daunting to me, but now I am educated and prepared to grow my staging business - and take it beyond my initial vision.

I would absolutely recommend this program to others considering this industry. You won't regret it!

Lauren Taylor Haven + Hue Studio

Thank you for your great training! I feel equipped to begin my new journey as an entrepreneur in the home staging realm. Thanks to my great business partner and her real estate investor contacts we already have our first job, a $2M new home vacant staging project, and our business hasn’t even officially launched yet!

Most of all, I am thrilled that as we gain practical experience this year, we’ll continue to have access to all your great education, plus live webinars and the valuable Stagers Connect community of experts in the field to continue training our eye and honing our skills.

From day one, I’ve enjoyed your calm, relatable, belief building personality via video and live webinars, and greatly appreciate the in-depth knowledge you’ve shared to effectively market our business. I can’t wait to meet you in person some day soon hopefully at a future conference.

Jill Wedding Perennial Home Design

This training was beyond what I expected. I was so pleasantly surprised to see that it included so many forms and templates that I can use in our business. The social media training was such a plus for me. Thank you for providing this training.

Kristy McCorkle Style To Design

Audra's Home Staging Training is fun and comprehensive. Having a background in art & design I was impressed with her knowledge and pulling it all together for staging & redesign. There is a ton of information here! The business foundation is comprehensive and the checklist makes it easy to stay organized by checking off all the completed boxes. The best part about all of it is Audra makes it fun and digestible! You're not going to get that anywhere else! I highly recommend HSR and I look forward to my next course in E-design!

Amanda Crostic Amanda Interiors

Audra, you hit a home run with this training course! I found it extremely easy to follow and work into a very hectic schedule. As a 30+ year realtor who works closely with all my clients in preparation for their home sell, I discovered there many other services I can now offer before and after the selling process. Thank you Audra, I look forward to following you and your fabulous group of Stagers & Redesigners.

Sheila Jordan

I always wanted to get into staging for a profession. After working in corporate America for a few years, I felt emotionally drained and burnt out. Whenever I decided to start working for myself, fear would set in, and I would just let it go. One day on YouTube, I saw this video about leaving your job and going into staging. I didn’t think much of it and decided to watch it. The video was of Audra sitting in her beautiful room, discussing the benefits of staging and how the market was booming. I KNEW this was a sign. At the end of the video, she provided the information to sign up for her training. I was hesitant to start a training course for staging. I felt I was good at decorating and designing; there was nothing I couldn't just learn on my own. I was so wrong. The training has prepared me so much. I have learned all of the ins-and-outs about staging, marketing, pricing, plus more. The videos were easy to follow. It kept my attention. Audra explained everything in a way that made sense. And it seemed doable. I feel confident to take what I have learned and finally fulfill my dreams. I am so glad I invested in myself with this program. I don't think there would have been an easier way to learn the amount of stuff I have learned doing it on my own. I can not wait to see what the future holds for Beau Staging & Design, and I have to thank Audra for that. Iesha

Lesha Beaudry

The HSR training was phenomenal. Audra really went above and beyond with the training, guides, design modules and supporting documentation. The information she's provided has made this business turn-key. Also by using videos and walking us through critiques, real life situations, and examples, I was able to develop confidence in taking on this new chapter in my life. I can't wait to get my first staging job!

Cathy Di Leo Di Leo Design & Staging

I am very thankful for Audra and her staff. If I had any questions, they were quick to respond, and the program is well laid out and full of information. It took a few months to decide as to which company to choose. I wasn’t looking to learn how to stage or design, but I did need a certificate for staging, and I felt I was weak in business skill. HSR is filled with information in staging, business knowledge and most of all confidence building. I am very happy with the results and would tell anyone this is the course to take.

Jackie Gregory

I have enjoyed the training I have received from Audra at HSR! I have always had a love for design and redesigning spaces but her business ideas and experience with marketing has really made this an enjoyable and exciting experience for me! I enjoy the feedback and ideas shared on Stagers Connect and I look forward to being an HSR member for many years to come!

Michelle Christie Pro Home Stylist

Through the HSR training, Audra gave me not only the tools that I needed to be successful but also the confidence to know that I can do this. It is certainly a lot of work to build a business, research, network and market your brand, but the HSR training made it enjoyable! It was especially helpful to learn all of the other opportunities that can come after starting your staging business like staging Airbnbs, partnering with vendors and realtors, and offering holiday decorating services. I'm excited to get my business up and running!

Ashley Boegel Grounded Interiors

I have learned a ....tremendous.... amount of useful education with Audra Slinkey and the HSR Certification Training! All of the information is written in an organized way that coordinates with the online training format. Audra details every aspect concisely, also giving you forms and formats that you can copy and paste to reuse for your own business. Who does that? I have really enjoyed opening up Audra's website each morning to dive into learning something new. Then reviewing the printed material to study by and to refresh my memory before continuing. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in staging and design!

Ellen Meier

Before taking the HSR course, I never even knew E-Design existed. Often times, I would try to piece together some sort of an idea board using Publisher or another software, but I could never achieve a clean, well designed board. After taking Audra's E-Design course, it has been a true game changer for my business, and I believe I've only touched the tip of the iceberg. So excited to find new ways of incorporating E-Design into my staging business!


This has been the best staging course I've done! It offers everything you need without the additional cost! Well worth every cent!


I have really enjoyed the HSR training. It provides a good balance between the design and business sides of the staging business. While I have the passion for design and a general business background, the training has provided a great roadmap to get our business up and running in a timely manner with an efficient foundation so that we can focus on the part of the business we enjoy!

Jennifer Loper

The training I received from HSR helped me bring all of the concepts of a running a business in interior design/staging all together. In the past, I struggled with how much to charge the client and ended up giving so many hours away. I really like the semi concrete pricing and structure regarding hourly rates and half day room redesigns etc. I also learned so much regarding where to shop, how to charge on wholesale items. Audra's training is really compacted with great information that is essential to starting a business in staging or redesign.

Lori Bartone

The HSR training has been an amazing and transformative experience for me. I began the training in the early days of Covid-19 quarantine with the idea of chasing my dream of transitioning to home staging and redesign when I retire from teaching down the road. The first week was intense and overwhelming but Audra's voice kept ringing in my ear.....keep the momentum going! It was a struggle at times because I was still teaching remotely. The things that kept me going were my students and the HSR training. The training kept me inspired, positive, and quite frankly, sane while quarantining at home. My dream has now turned into a reality as I take my certification test and do my first half day staging on the same day! Best timing ever! Thank you, Audra, for giving me the information, tools, direction, and hope for my new second career as a home stager and re-designer in my new business, Sonata Home Design.

Missy Noonan Sonata Home Design

Audra's HSR program provides you with the information and confidence to turn your love of redesign and staging into a real business!

Michelle Fitzgerald

Audra's course has been beyond amazing. She provides you with so much information to get started on your staging business, and provides other avenues to make money as well. This is a three week course that took me 5 weeks to complete because it is packed with so much helpful information. I wanted to soak it all in. I initially did not know where to start with my business, but Audra paved the path. It does not stop with home staging either. She provides form templates to use and make your own. She also provides abundant resources for your to continue to use with your staging business. This course is a MUST for any home stager looking to be successful!

Monica Avalos Simply Staged

As I've begun building my business, Beautifying Spaces LLC, a critical component was laying a foundation of education. I thoroughly researched staging training and decided on HSR. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made, far exceeding even my highest expectations in Audra's unmatched expertise, beyond comprehensive training materials and support network There is absolutely nothing like it and I believe it has made the difference between endless cold calling and confident, educated, state of the art staging and marketing! Thank you doesn't even come close to expressing my gratitude to Audra and HSR!

Cheryl Wnek Beautifying Spaces LLC

I have been in the home staging industry for almost 10 years and until recently I didn't think having formal training was necessary. Audra provided me with invaluable advice in terms of marketing strategies and alternative revenue streams! I cannot wait to implement what I've learned and grow my business! Thank You Home Staging Resource!

Jessice Lynn Smith Spotlight Staging & Design

The HSR training manual and Audra's material have been the ideal guide to starting my own Home Staging and Redesign company. I love how you can take the training at your own speed and also have the option to review it as many times as you like. The Stager's connect Forum is awesome, and just adds to the learning experience. So glad to be part of this community and have the support of Audra herself. Thank you so much HSR.

Michelle Collins Elleco Interiors

I have truly enjoyed the HSR certification program. I learned a lot about business, marketing and home staging concepts. I loved the live videos you did also. I am not a tech person so it is most helpful that you give us great outlines for agreements and all the appropriate paperwork to get started without spending all that time recreating forms. From day one to the very end it is a great program I will recommend to everyone. Thank you!


I just completed the HSR training which is by far the best certification program out there!!! I researched a lot of the staging training companies, and you will not receive all of the knowledge that Audra shares in any other program. You get so much information and resources that it is mind blowing. I can't wait to get my business up and running!!

Cristy Smith Elan Staging & Redesign

This training has been truly amazing. I have spent many years helping other start their business in the real estate industry and I began to notice that the ones who didn't start with the cornerstones to build thier business are the ones that struggle to succeed. This training did just that! It helped me design my business to represent me while also giving me the direction on how to get the ball rolling the right direction and keep the momentum going.

Kirsten N. Stier Argyle Design Co.

Audra's training was thorough and so full of relevant information. One of the reasons I chose this training was because she talked about continuing to update the curriculum as trends and technology changes. I loved being assured that when I completed this course, I would have the history and foundation of staging and design as well as the validity of the current trends and field scope. I loved the variety of videos, print materials, photos and testimonials which really gave me an immersive learning experience and allowed me to fully grasp the concepts. It was encouraging to see and here the results others have had in the industry and know that I have the capability to follow in their footsteps.

Sarah Brown

What can I say Audra. You were the very first staging company that I selected when I started my staging business back in 2017 and here I am still. One of the reasons I selected you, there were many, was "hands down" all of the resources you provided. I am a resource queen myself and you totally spoke my language. Since then, I have taken your Color course and most recently E-Design. I must make a confession here, even though I absolutely love my successful vacant staging business, I am secretly having a love affair with everything color, design & redesign.

Thank you for opening up some many wonderful opportunities within this industry for so many of us and for having a huge positive impact on my life. I look forward to 2021 and seeing what is on the horizon for you and your next award winning innovation.

Warm Regards,
Theresa Ceglio, We Stage Jacksonville

Theresa Ceglio We Stage Jacksonville

My degree is in nursing. When I was a little kid, I knew I wanted to help others. I had been saying for two years that I was not equipped or qualified to be staging homes for my husbands real estate business yet I was doing it and helping families. HSR gave me the confidence I needed to step into homes and feel like I belonged there with a purpose. It really simplified the process while giving me the tools I need for successful consultations and a plan to help others. I started this class the week our state was shut down in the middle of a pandemic. I have been busier than ever!! Audra's webinars gave me additional tools for virtual consultations and I haven't looked back. Thank you Audra!

Lindsay Noll Noll Team Interiors

The training provided by HSR & Audra is top notch. The program is loaded with value providing materials and a step by step plan in design and how to start and operate your business. This training really is from A-Z

Jess Cassity Coastal Homes

HSR is the most comprehensive staging training I have come across. The ability to go at your own pace combined with the most detailed training sets anyone up for success. I feel extremely prepared to take my business to the next level.

I am thrilled that I have found this community and decided to bet on myself. Thank you Audra!!

Kimberly Curry KC Staging+Design

Audra does it again! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this E-Design Course!!! It was so easy to follow b/c of her enthusiasm and interesting content! Course includes everything you need to incorporate E-Design into your business: marketing materials, forms, how-to videos, web-site buttons, and more! HIGHLY recommend this program for anyone wanting to learn the most cutting edge tools that will help drive revenue and build your staging & design business! Thanks Audra!

Carolyn Plummer Carolyn Plummer Designs

I was new to Home Staging and knew nothing about the industry. After researching different training programs available on the market, I am so glad to have selected this program.

The Home Staging Resource program is the ONLY program to choose for anyone considering a career in Home Staging and Redesign. This course eliminated all the guesswork about Home Staging and provided me with the tools needed to kick start my business. I received so many tools, industry connections, trade discounts, ideas for service offerings, business plans, trends, "how-to" knowledge for staging, software tool ideas, website, social media automation platform, and good customer support. WOW!

Not only is the online training self-paced and easy to navigate, but Audra's energy kept me engaged. There is a lot of content to learn and appreciated the way the information was divided into smaller modules making it easy for me to digest.

And the buck doesn't stop there because I am now part of an industry support community where I can learn and grow my business. Thank you for creating a program that provides so much value!

Again, WOW!

Thank you so much!!!

Anna Chargin Anna Chargin Interiors

I have completed all of your trainings and always blown away by the amount of information and knowledge you share. I have been sitting in fear however, I am now ready. I was struck by a quote in one of the video slides "Proceed as if success is inevitable". How can I not go forward? Thank you, Audra. Your gift in helping others to be set up for success is priceless and I am excited for my journey.

Heather Wincek

The HSR training encompassed everything necessary for an upstart staging business. From process to branding to interpersonal skills to design fundamentals, Audra covers it all. The information is delivered in an organized and engaging manner that invites you to return to the resources easily and often, allowing you to create your personal strategy with Audra's expertise and guidance.

Lizabeth Burke-Hauser Haus n Home

As my friend and business partner discussed focusing on Home Staging, I wanted to learn about everything regarding home staging. I looked at several training options and decided on Audra's program based on the reviews, price and that I could do it online. The HSR program is great and gives way more information that I ever would've thought. You definitely get more than you pay for!

Hope Huddleston My Home Place Designs

Audra always talks about finding your people in relation to the clients you work for, the vendors you work with and even the trainers you watch and learn from. After looking at a couple of other staging programs, I watched Audra's introductory video and knew I had found my person. The training was presented in a way that was easy to understand and everything was provided, which I couldn't believe. There's no guess work or confusion and the material is exactly what I needed. I'm so glad I chose Home Staging Resources!

Michelle Murray Southern Diva Designs

I found the HSR training to be incredible. The fact that you can do it at your own pace and go back and re-read and re-watch videos was really helpful for my busy life. I loved how detailed Audra got about both the business side of things and the creative. I also love the community aspect of the HSR group! This training was so comprehensive that even though I have no experience, I feel completely ready to begin my new career as a home stager and redesigner. Thank you!

Gabriella Risatti

WOW! This training was PACKED with info. It would have taken me well over a year and lots of mistakes along the way to get where I am today without Audra's help. I am forever grateful for all the work that has been put into this curriculum and would highly recommend this training to anyone interested in this field of work.

Ragan Schlappi CEG Home Interiors

I loved the journey and when it did get very overwhelming for me, I just took a break while balancing two part time jobs and once I got back into it with a fresh mind, I was able to process a lot more fluidly. I love all the information that is given and very clear. I am so thankful for the sheets made for us basically making it easier to start the business. This program really gave me a jump start!

Lydia Barbarian

This course has been amazing. I am so excited to get my business started and use the knowledge that I have gained from Audra's instruction and the HSR Staging and Redesign Certification to help people make their homes comfortable, organized and beautiful places to live, guide them in using what they already have to transform their home for themselves or to get top dollar in resale when prospective buyers FEEL HOME.

Betsy Sedney

When I was looking through the different Home Staging Courses available online, Home Staging Resource stood out the most for the abundance of information it had to offer. With a degree in Interior Design I wasn't looking to spend my money on a course that would " teach me how to match pillows to wall colors ".

This course has been way more than I could have imagined , there was no stone left unturned . Not only did I finish this course without any questions unanswered, I also walked out with a complete How-To Manuel on starting and running a successful Home Staging Business.

I am so Happy I found this Course , It has been everything I didn't know I needed !

Klaudia Jakowska

It took me a long time to make the decision that I wanted to seriously pursue home staging as a career (after my corporate job was eliminated due to COVID). I had never allowed myself to dream that I could have a job doing something I've loved doing all of my life as a hobby and get paid for it! COVID forced me to reassess what the next chapter looks like. I found the course to be incredibly thorough and on point. I just met with my local RESA chapter for the first time, and found the talking points to be 100% consistent with what Audra teaches, even though many of those in attendance had not gone through this course. So I was even more confident that the training I have received in this course was valuable and credible. I'm alternatively scared and excited about launching my business, but I know a LOT more than I did when I started the course, and know that these resources will continue to support me as I begin to help clients and hopefully expand my business. Thanks, Audra!


I have completed both the Staging course and the e-design course. I love the way the information is not only practical but immediately usable as well. I was able to start working with my first e-design client right away. I am not techy, but by using the training and videos, I was able to easily handle using the e-design technology.

Grace Bermudes

The HSR Training allows me to bring my passion to life! I have always had a sweet tooth for staging & design.

The HSR tools & resources are invaluable. I feel as though I have the step by step process to set up a successful business. This allows me to become the Spiritual Farmer to pour myself back into my family, my clients & my community. I love positively impacting people's lives & this allows me to fuel my creative juices.

Audra is brilliant & beautiful! Thank you for your sharing your talents & expertise with me! Grateful to be apart of the HSR Community. Creative Souls Unite!

Jenny Fike

I have taken every one of Audra's training programs. When she launched her Vacation Rental Design Expert training, I attended the free webinar to see if "I needed it", having already took another training course a few years ago from someone else. That training doesn't even come close to the insights and resources Audra provides in her training. I learned about short-term rental terms so that I can converse with investors and hosts from an educated perspective, their perspective. I learned about design, pricing, and marketing. She also provided countless resources and ideas. If I'm not successful in the Short-term Rental Design business, it isn't because her training fell short, it is because I didn't implement her training. I highly recommend Audra's Vacation Rental Design Expert Training to anyone who wants to break into this market.

Kelly DeTommaso

Once I found Audra's training, I knew I had to take her course. I was beyond excited to finally do something for myself.

Jesika Blayne Broaddus Mrs. Broaddus Interiors

Another training that knocked it out of the park! As usual, Audra, you do not disappoint. I launched my business immediately after taking your Staging/Redesign Course and put things into practice immediately. After downloading the various contracts, promotional marketing materials, and call scripts, I customized them for my business and deployed them. Once I felt comfortable with the practical application, my goal was to continue building upon the strong foundation you provided. In the last year, I've successfully completed all of your courses, including the purchase of the TrulyBranded Website and Social Media packages. It's been one year since launch and my self-confidence has exploded! I am now a licensed NC Real Estate Broker, as well, and with your encouragement, signed up for RESA. I obtained my RESA-Approved Instructor certification last month and will be teaching staging/design tips for my Keller Williams Great Smokies office here in Western North Carolina. You have equipped me with the knowledge, confidence and SKILL to present the joys of staging/redesign/vacation design/color consults/and E-Design to my clients and colleagues in real estate. You have given me the best gift for which a girl could ask - independence and happiness! I love you to the moon and back, Audra. Seriously talented, inspirational and supportive!!

Eve Barrett

Aurda's training has been a fun, motivational, and educational resource in starting my own business. Having completed the HSR Staging and Redesign Certification Course I feel like I have all the tools I need to start my own business and really thrive. The training really helped lay out the foundation to be successful! Thank You Aurda for sharing your passion and knowledge!

Chelsea Lidh The Red Hen Design

As scary as it was to spend the money on this training, not sure of what I was getting, I can't say enough how much time, work, and resources must have gone into designing it. Audra has done an exceptional job creating a grab and go training that really will help you get your staging business launched, providing you with all of the tools and resources for you to feel confident and soar.

Christanne Gartelos

The E-Design training was inspiring and gave me incentives to update my website and marketing plans, and to consider automating my email follow ups. The HSR templates are a definite plus to not have to reinvent the wheel.


When I left Real Estate, I knew I was not done with it entirely. I wanted to bring out the creative side of me, and all my Realtor friends said-you have to get into staging and redesign. When I found HSR , I knew I found my path. This has been the most fascinating journey ever. The course has so much information and resources it makes it me feel so prepared and excited for the next adventure in my life to begin.

Tonya Reish The Elegant Bee Staging and Design

The HSR E-Design training is the best I have found. HSR provides so many templates and so many training modules. Audra does not like for anyone to reinvent the wheel, so she gives you so many resources to quickly make your business a success. The price for what you get is very reasonable. Once you complete the training that is not the end. You have these resources forever and HSR is always there for you if needed.

Andrea Turner Decor By Redesign

I had always wanted to branch out and do a home staging service. When we had to shelter in place due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I decided I would use that time to grind out the training and start my business after years of just dreaming about it. The training was definitely worth the cost. Not only did Audra go over all thing staging, she helped me build my business from nothing. The training was easy to follow and kept me engaged with the fun before and after photos and numerous design videos. This certification can be compared to buying into a franchise without all the rules. She gives you all the material you need but encourages you to use it in your own way. I can't recommend this training enough.


Going through the HSR certification training has been a total game changer. I have gained so much knowledge, not just about staging but how to run your business. The staging part I had down pat. However, I know now that my business would have suffered on the marketing (web design, presentations, bold, etc) end had it not been for HSR.

Amy C. Scarborough Happy Is The After

This training program has been the most thorough and complete program I have ever taken. Audra has provided every marketing tool, handout template, and all the information on how to setup and run a staging business that I have needed to start up my business. I am very pleased with this training program and feel I am set for success as a Home Stager.

Rebecca Delaney

Signing up for the Home Staging Resource's 21-Day HSR Certification Training is the best decision I made for myself and my business. The cost is justified in the amount of forms you receive alone and the videos and training materials are a huge bonus! Audra truly sets you up for success and CARES about that success. I feel prepared, knowledgeable and supported and couldn't be happier that I found Audra and the HSR community!

Ashley Elliot Ashley Elliot Design

I have worked in a corporate environment for many years, but the Home Staging and Redesign Certification Course was one of the best learning experiences I have ever had. The training is comprehensive with a practical orientation. It is completely based on the experience and research of Audra and other stagers. They provide insights, examples and tools that were extremely helpful to develop staging and design skills and build confidence. I never expected to get so much out of an online training course!

Kim Regenhard

HSR Staging and Redesign Certification training by Audra Slinkey was simply amazing! Home redesign and staging has been a hobby of mine for many years, and I finally decided to follow my passion and turn it into a business. I had the confidence to do my own projects, but wanted to gain more knowledge in home staging and redesign so that I could provide my clients with the best service possible. I have a bachelor's degree in business administration and a masters degree in counseling, and I learned more in Audra's training than I did in my two degree programs combined. The training is easy to follow, practical, and incredibly useful if you want to start your own business. I am not sure I could have done this without Audra!

Sara Huard

I have been a designer for many years but I am fairly new to staging. I have learned SO much from this program and I think it's great how Audra really pumps you up to be successful! I love the Stagers Connect where I can get to know other stagers and the successes as well as problems they have and how everyone comes together to help each other.

Teresa Holland-Gresock ARC Inc

I have taken other HSR courses in the past (Staging & Redesign, Certified Color Expert, Certified Expert E-Designer), and I immediately signed up for the vacation rental training when it was offered. It packed in so much information, including eye-opening statistics on the increasing popularity of vacation rentals, how to research for proper pricing, information on what vacationers want in a rental, understanding the problems that property owners and managers are looking to solve, and how to promote my specialty training with ready-to-use emails and Canva marketing materials. Vacation rentals are everywhere in my state, and now I feel very prepared to tap into that market!

Debra Garvin

Being a Home Stager for 17 years I wanted to add this designation to my business. I was completely amazed at the forms, useful tools, and wealth of information this course provided. If this course had been around 17 years ago, it would have made a world of difference in every way.

Susan Campbell Abracadabra Home Staging

I decided to invest in myself and purchase Audra's training to properly launch my home staging & interior design business. I have my Masters in Interior Architecture and have design experience, but felt clueless and overwhelmed how to really build a business and market it for success. After attending several free webinars from Audra, I was impressed with her straight forward approach. As a SAHM it's taken me several months to get through the training, but I took her advice and kept my momentum going! I can't wait to launch my business- thanks so much!

SarahRose Henkin SarahRose Interiors Co.

I can not say enough good things about this training. I know a lot of people say that and it's so very true. Can't even imagine how many hours Audra has put into this EXCELLENT training. Definitely worth the price! I would have NEVER had the confidence before to make my dream come true. Now I can honestly say I do and more than I ever thought I could. Thanks Audra for this AWESOME training and the confidence to be able to follow my dream.

Andrea McAtee McAtee Staging & Redesign

Finding Audra, and going through the HSR training, has instilled confidence, experience and belief in my own abilities as a successful home stager. Before the training, I thought the home staging industry was beyond me. HSR training is relatable, as well as comprehensive. The education I received is key to my ongoing success. The training is self-paced, therefore achievable while being hands-on in the industry. I credit my success to Audra and HSR and wholly recommend this education to any aspiring home stager out there who may have any doubts in their own ability.

Heidi Swart Life of Decor LLC

I've been an interior designer for over 30 years. I wanted to add home staging to my services but had no idea how to charge for the staging. Getting my certification from HSR answered my questions as well as gave me creative marketing ideas to reenergize my existing design business.

Anita Webber Smith Webb Design Interiors

I have been a realtor for 8 years and commonly staged my clients homes without any formal training, because I knew their homes would sell quicker and for more money if properly staged. Honestly though, it is because I love to decorate. I had taken a staging course previously for realtors which pretty much gave me basics, but not much else. When I moved from Colorado to South Carolina I didn't want to get my real estate license and start all over. I decided that if I have to start at something all over I'd rather be a full time stager. I wasn't in the HSR class for long, but following along with the outline I started getting calls. My first job with with a home builder doing model homes. My second was with a new home owner buying their first new home. I'll admit I was scared and excited at the same time. But with the resources HSR gives you, such as stagers connect, (this was a life saver), and all step by step forms, it really went smoothly. I would highly recommend HSR if you are serious about becoming a stager!

Linda Carlson The Blue Heron Staging

I've been staging properties for the last 3 years and have always wanted to go deeper in this business. Until now, I didn't feel I had enough training to turn my love of redesign into a real business. HSR has given me the training, the forms and the confidence to move forward. I can't wait to see what is ahead!

Susan Daddono

The training provided by Audra has proved to be invaluable in building my staging and redesign business. The in depth information provided in numerous ways and that is available to be reviewed as needed is a resource which I utilize again and again. I couldn't recommend this training more highly!!


I cannot begin to say just how much I have learned or enjoyed Audra's HSR course. I have been blown away by the amount of information that was provided. Finishing the course has left me excited to start my business with confidence...because I feel I now have so much knowledge and will be able to not only speak intelligently on all things home staging related, but will be able to effectively price my services as well. There is no doubt I'll be referring back to so many items, forms and lessons as they are priceless to starting this business. Thank you Audra from the bottom of my heart for sharing your knowledge and for being so motivating!


Audra's Training is very comprehensive and she has taken all the guess-work out of the equation. She even makes sure to enhance and add to the training regularly content, so it remains current and relevant. This allow us to keep up with current industry trends and remain competitive.

Thanks Audra!

Mary Ann Cutler The Next Stage Interiors

This training was wonderful! All of the videos, handouts, and e-books were very helpful. It was well organized, fun, easy to follow and highly engaging. I really enjoyed watching the staging videos and getting to see how the concepts I was learning about were put into action. Thank you, Audra!

Nina Marie Sartorelli Nina Lin Interiors

I am so thankful I took Audra's course! I'm a Realtor in the Las Vegas area and staging is essential to selling a home much quicker for more money for our clients! In a very competitive market, real estate agents know and understand the importance of having the home staged! Now that I have learned the tricks and have gained more knowledge I'm ready! Next is the eDesign course! Thank you Audra!

Susan Barnhart

I've enjoyed the training so much. It is so thorough and provides all the details that you need to get your business started. The support provided by Audra and her team is amazing and super responsive! I highly recommend.

Trish Arnold Trish Arnold Interiors

I was so nervous about taking this leap. Audra's training course has made me feel very confident in my choice. The training program provides so much information from example contracts to how to shop! I can not express my gratitude for having this training available to me. Now I can start my business knowing I have found my people, am educated, and have a major support system to turn to when I need.

Samantha Gilmore Happy Porch Designs

I just completed my training! I must say, this training was very informative, very information packed, and very helpful. You would be hard pressed to find a comprehensive step by step guide to setting up your own business anywhere like this! Guys, this is your business wrapped in a bow! Can't get any simpler than that! Thank you Audra 1000 times over!

Jacqueline Tillery JST Real Estate Interiors

This training has been amazing! In addition to the awesome decorating modules, the business training is beyond thorough! Audra's explanation of each business matter takes away any self doubt! Starting a new business is scary, of course, but this training will give you the courage of knowledge you need!

Deanna Barron

I researched a lot of home staging training programs before I decided on HSR. Initially, I started my training with a cheap alternative, and unfortunately, you get what you pay for. Round two, I took my time and weighed the pros and cons of several programs. I'm glad I went with Audra's. It was the redesign component along with Audra's personality that were my eventual reasons for choosing HSR. You get a tremendous amount of value and it's nicely balanced with reading material and videos.

Nicole Nenninger Beach Rose Designs

Hey There!

I teach people who love, love, love design how to create an amazing and successful business doing what they love!  If you love design, staging, color or curated e-design, I have training "blueprints" that have made thousands of people like you successful in business...click below to find out how you can create a business you will love!

Home Stagers Make a Huge Difference in the Home

In a 2021 report by the Real Estate Staging Association of over 13,000 homes surveyed, those that were professionally staged...MADE BANK!


Staged Homes Studied


Sold for 5-23% OVER List Price!


Sold for 9-30% OVER List Price!

In other words, if you were to sell your home in this real estate market for $700,000, you were almost 50% more likely to make an extra $63,000+ by hiring a professional home stager!  

Don't leave money on the table with the sale of your home and contact a certified stager today!

Don't know where to start?

Watch My Free Training Video On Becoming a Home Stager...
